Come join in the beautiful McClure United Church Sunday services located at McClure Place, 533 Greenwood Place and you’ll agree we have something special.
We are an older, smaller, very friendly congregation that values and respects people of diverse backgrounds whether it is age, gender, sexual preference, church denomination, income levels. Mentorship and grandparent type relationships are possible. As of August 2023, our oldest member is an active gentleman of 106!
The building is very easily accessible with the church entrance at the south end. Services begin at 11:00 am. In each service, one hymn is chosen by the worshippers. Their requests reveal a congregation that enjoys a mix of traditional and contemporary music. Old favourites such as “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” and “Will Your Anchor Hold” are often asked for. But, equally, hymns written in our time are requested, songs such as “Here I Am, Lord” and “Part of the Family.”
Reverend Robert Campbell, our pastor for the last seven years, has recently retired and a committee of our church leaders is now assessing our needs towards calling a successor, possibly on our own or possibly in collaboration with another congregation. In the meantime, our services are being led by a variety of preachers. Their names and dates can be found at this link. Charmaine Bacon leads our congregational hymn singing on the organ or piano as appropriate and provides inspirational service music that invites reflection on the theme of the day. Holy Communion is celebrated generally on the first Sunday of each month as well as on Christmas Eve.
Rev. Campbell led a Bible Study group on Wednesday evenings from September through May until the pandemic brought that to a halt. It is hoped that this will be revived with the arrival of a new minister. Until then your Bible study needs might be fulfilled by reading Rev. Campbell’s book, People of the Promise: Sunday Sermons for Weekday Christians. One reviewer has described it as "a very good primer on the Christian faith." If interested in acquiring a copy, please be in touch with our office. Any donations for the book are placed in our church’s Memorial Fund for special projects.
As for fellowship, on the last Sunday of each month birthdays are celebrated with a light lunch. On the other Sundays there is a group of people who go to a local coffee shop for lunch and conversation. Newcomers are warmly welcomed.
Another part of our mission is to support the work of social agencies. In alternate months we receive donations of money and food for West Broadway Community Ministry and Harvest Manitoba. We also support Siloam Mission through an initiative known as the Loose Change Pot. The money donated throughout the year is used by the mission to help meet the clothing needs of Siloam’s clients. So, if you attend one of our services you might like to bring a toonie or two for the pot.